Agriculture research development in England.

The British also paid attention to livestock development. They adopted a good method of rearing goats and increased their weight. The goats went from emaciated and sickly to becoming very overweight. The breeding they did produced good goats and they created the Newlei cester breed. Goats that previously weighed 21 pounds became sixty pounds after they developed their new breed. They used the above method to breed cows and got good results. This shift produced more meat as well as more wool.

Progress made by agricultural activists

Thomas Cook turned his land into a farm by using a new method of using manure. His farm became a model farm. King George III was also very interested in agriculture. He built a model farm on the outskirts of the palace. As he was very fond of agriculture, he was called by the special name of Agricultural George.

Sir Arthur Young was also active in agriculture. He travelled to many places and wrote a book about his experience and gave it to the farmers. His main aim is to impart important information about agriculture to the people. He was instrumental in establishing farmers' associations and agricultural cooperatives. He even hired teachers to explain agriculture to the people. Due to his knowledge of agriculture, he was appointed as the first secretary of the agriculture committee. He considered that the land was fragmented and could not be cultivated in the modern way.

Impacts of the Agricultural Revolution

The agricultural revolution brought about a new change in agriculture. Old farming systems were abandoned and new farming systems were established. The country's economy grew not by increasing production. Livestock production increased, so more meat and wool products were available. As the manufacturing economy rose, the country's economy rose not only because people got the goods they needed. New fertilizers and new farming methods were responsible for this development.


There was also a law in England that only a certain amount of land owned could become a Member of Parliament. Only rich people offered to buy land only to join politics. Arbitrators of the Peace must own land worth £100. Rich people offered to buy land for that too. So many rich people came forward to give money to buy land. In the old system, everyone in a family was engaged in agriculture so there was no unemployment.

However after the agricultural revolution, because of the use of machinery for farming, not everyone in a family could find employment, so unemployment increased. The beneficiaries of the agrarian revolution were largely land-dependent. Some of them sold their lands and moved to cities.

The troubles of the people in the country increased due to the Napoleonic wars. Food prices went up. Grain Acts were enacted by Parliament to control the prices of grains. So the importation of foreign grain into England was restricted. England's landowners profited greatly from the lack of competition for their grain. People struggled to buy even simple food products.

Read also: A view of the agricultural research that developed in England and the resulting agricultural revolution

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