The origin of the apple is central Asia and Europe. The cultivation of apples is worldwide but it grows in hills areas. Apple has many health benefits. The apple has malic acid which cures ulcer problems.
Apple reduces and cures many diseases like diabetes, pressure and hypertension.
The origin of the orange is South Asia, and it differs from the taste of sweet and sour. orange is a citrus fruit that is cultivated in a wide area but the suitable growing soil pH value is 5.5-7.5. Because citrus fruits require alkaline soil.
Orange has ascorbic acid which contains vitamin A, vitamin B and vitamin C. Orange has many health uses to cure diabetes and physical & mental health.
The origin of pineapple is in south Brazil and stored all over the world since the 17th century. It is rich in fiber and vitamins which help to get high glucose energy and immune system.
Natural foods