Five natural remedies that ancient people followed to heal injuries and pain in the body.

There are many different treatment methods in different regions of the world. There are some natural remedies that can help us heal the body naturally. Ancient people used various natural remedies to heal injuries and pain in the body. These articles explain five natural remedies.

Water treatment system

The ancient people who lived in Germany developed and used this kind of medical method and hospital that they could clean the water, drink the water, immerse themselves in the water, submerge the part of the body that is in pain and rub the outer part with a rough cloth to relieve the pain of the body.

Salt therapy

This salt therapy is to find out that there are 12 types of salt in our body which part of the body has which salt substance and if there is pain in that part of the body to correct the pain by supplementing the deficient salt and finding ways to heal the injury, this salt therapy is beneficial to various patients. It is also called 12 salt remedies.

Electric field therapy

In Germany, they discovered that an electric field could heal wounds. According to this treatment, they found that the wounds heal faster, so if an electric field is applied to the wound to heal the wounds, the wounds heal faster.

Sunlight therapy

Sunlight heals wounds faster. When the wound is exposed to sunlight for some time, the infection in the wound is completely free of germs and the wound is likely to heal quickly.

Air treatment system

The people of that time discovered that wherever there is pain or injury in our body, we can relieve those pains with air. They found that sitting under air that released more oxygen healed wounds. Even showing the painful area on an air-generating device can heal wounds. It is also good for our mental health to sit during the day under trees that provide more oxygen.

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